"Life is the total sum of what you do with the moments given you." - Erwin Mcmanus

Friday, August 21, 2009

back to school

school starts monday, which means for me (who procrastinates), these last few days have been kinda stressful and really tiring as i try to get my "ducks in a row".
ha ha

so in a effort to be optimistic i'm making a list of everything i'm looking forward to this coming school semester.
*clears throat*

excitement worthy things fall '09
  1. i'm finally at a university!!!!! (i've been at a community college and i now, finally, feel like a "real" college student)
  2. i love brick (which is pretty much what my entire school's campus is made of)
  3. i have some really great music to listen to as i walk from class to class (500 days of summer soundtrack is amaaaazing)!
  4. i'm taking a class about the planets, how rad is that?
  5. i'm finally going to buy these boots.
  6. i'll be continuing my quest for the perfect leather jacket.

that's all for now, what are you looking forward to as autumn approaches?


-photos courtesy of google

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