"Life is the total sum of what you do with the moments given you." - Erwin Mcmanus

Friday, August 20, 2010

Night at The Evening Muse

All three of us are very much in love with The Civil Wars, (not the epic clash between the north and south, the vocal stylings of Joy Williams and John Paul White). Last night we were lucky enough to be in the front row of their concert with Madi Diaz.

It was spectacular! They sang beautifully and were very personable (at one point we had a conversation with Joy Williams about shoes). I'm super psyched about their new stuff and ridiculously jealous of their talent.

If you haven't listened to The Civil Wars or Madi Diaz I am telling you right now, you are missing out. So go listen to them!

(Doesn't this cover of "You Are My Sunshine" just make you want to cry? In a good way of course)


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